Monday, June 23, 2014

Update: Still No Laptop

Alright, the replacement laptop charger plan didn't work out, so no laptop for me until I get back home this weekend. So, this will be my last post from London (because it takes way too long to type on an ipad) but because I'm OCD I'll write the posts for these last couple of days once I get home. Can't leave my blog unfinished. :) So, you'll all have to wait a few days to hear about my final adventures in London. Have fun back home! I miss you all!


  1. So as to prevent losing the freshness of memories, will you at least take notes the old-fashioned way? Like, by hand? (Come on, you're in England! That's how writing is supposed to happen there, right? I mean, unless you can get your hands on a manual typewriter!) ;)

  2. Of course. I've got a journal too. :) I won't forget anything.
