Sunday, June 29, 2014

Shopping, Shopping, and More Shopping

St. James's Park
For my last Monday in London, Mom and I started off the day by heading to watch the changing of the horse guard. We got there really early and ate breakfast at the park across from the Horse Guard Parade (where the changing of the guard took place). While we were eating we even saw a red fox run around us and hop several fences. It was pretty cute.

After breakfast we headed back over to watch the changing of the guard. It was pretty cool. We were right up against the chain so we were incredibly close to the horses. They walked right next to us. It was cool. The horses were so well-groomed. They looked like velvet. After that we headed up through St. James’s Park to Buckingham Palace. We were able to catch the ending of the changing of the guard at the Palace as well. They played Star Wars music. :)

Changing of the horse guard
Then we headed to Leicester Square and Piccadilly Circus to do some shopping. We bought a lot of souvenirs and presents for people back home. I took Mom to Hatchards and Waterstones (two of the awesome bookstores that I went to before), Hamley’s (the toy store), and Hardy’s (the candy store). Then we headed to Covent Gardens and got dinner for take away. We had pie and mash. I had a steak and Guinness pie and Mom had a mushroom and chicken pie. They were pretty good. Their mashed potatoes were wonderful. Almost as good as the ones in Ireland. Almost.

And that was Monday. :) Enjoy the pictures!

Horse Guard Palace

Changing of the horse guard

Another picture of the changing of the horse guard

Close up!

Another picture!

Another close up

This horse was super photogenic.
He kept turning his head to look at us. 

Changing of the guard at Buckingham Palace

The changing of the guard band

A bush sculpture thing in St. James's Park

A U.K. squirrel in St. James's Park :) 

Looking through the gate at Buckingham Palace

The gate that was mentioned above :)

Pie and Mash 

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