I made it! After a horrifically long flight, that only provided me with an hour of sleep (which is why this post is short, very chronological, and not as put together as it could be), we made it to Heathrow. After getting through security and figuring out the public transportation we made it to our flat. Getting a taxi was quite the experience though. We crammed 6 girls and all of our luggage into one taxi. Sitting backwards in a car that drives on the opposite side of the road was interesting, too.
Our taxi ride |
Next came the essentials, unpacking and getting groceries. The grocery store is a lot farther away than I had imagined. Plus, nearly everything was different at the grocery store. It was very overwhelming. Then we had to haul all of our groceries back to the flat. Which really shouldn't have been too bad, but after dragging the luggage around all day, it was really tiring.
Then as a way to relax (and keep ourselves awake long enough for us to not end up waking up at 3 in the morning), 4 of us went to Hyde Park. It was gorgeous! Everything was green. There were dogs everywhere just running around. Statues, flowers, etc. It was amazing. We even found the Peter Pan statue on the first try!
It was so much fun! London is gorgeous. Even if I still haven't gotten the hang of the traffic yet. It's a big achievement when you make it across the street (don't worry, family, I'm being careful). Well it's almost 9:00 PM here and I'm completely exhausted. So, it's time to sleep. Until tomorrow...
Enjoy the pictures below!
The front entrance to my flat |
One of the monuments at Hyde Park
(I think it's Albert and Victoria - we didn't actually walk over to this one) |
Look at how green it is! |
Peter Pan statue |
Flowers! |
Winston Churchill's little blue plaque |
Love it! Can't believe you are finally there and you are the one taking the pictures! It is beautiful!