The inside of Middle Temple Hall from the back. |
So, this morning seems like such a long time ago. My days
are so full of stuff that each day feels like a week. Just trying to think back
on the day is hard because it was so jam-packed. Anyway, this morning we went,
as a group, to Middle Temple Hall, which is this hall that was built in the
1500s used by lawyers, then and now. It was amazing. Gorgeous stained glass
windows of different coats of arms. Amazing woodwork. It was awesome. However,
on the way there, London decided to give us our first experience with its
famous rain. Of course, not having my mom to remind me to layer jackets or to
even wear a rain jacket, I just wore my leather jacket. It kept me dry, but not
as warm as I would’ve liked. It also doesn’t have a hood and occasionally it
was too windy for an umbrella. So, I was pretty cold for a while.
I mean, look at those windows! |
Anyway, back to the little tour we took (we called it the
Shakespeare Walk and in case you were wondering how the Middle Temple Hall relates
to Shakespeare, the first performance of Twelfth Night was done there.
Then we
went to Temple Church, which had fabulous dark blue stained glass windows. They
had a fantastic organist too (which is something I really appreciate now that I
sort of play the organ – they also had plaques to recognize past organists,
which was also cool, because most pianists/organists get overlooked).
Then we headed towards Southwark Cathedral and Borough
Market we crossed the Millennium Bridge, which is the bridge that the Death
Eaters blow up in Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. It was awesome. I
took my picture on it of course, and as soon as my friend sends me the picture
I’ll post it. Anyway, after our nerdy Harry Potter moment, we went to Southwark
Cathedral. It was beautiful inside, but you weren’t allowed to take pictures.
It was wonderful though. It had an iron chandelier that was intricate and
ridiculously long. I loved it.
Then, Borough Market. It puts all of the Farmer’s Markets
back home to shame. I can’t wait to go to other outdoor markets. We wandered
for a while and it smelled amazing! There were so many different types of food.
Indian food, Italian food, desserts, everything under the sun. It was awesome!
We ate these grilled cheese sandwiches that were to die for. They dumped a huge
handful of cheese on them and then added chopped onions and other spices to
them and they were dripping grease. They were amazing! First time I really enjoyed picking the crusted melted
cheese off of my sandwich. And it was so filling! (I will have a picture of it
as soon as my friend sends it to me. I was too lazy to take out my camera in
the rain.) I bought this amazing-looking raspberry tart too. I couldn’t eat it
today. It’ll be my treat for tomorrow. I’ll take a picture beforehand so you
can all see it.
Came back to the flat after all of that amazing food and
struggled to stay awake long enough to read Richard
III, which is a really good play. It’s funny. We went to see King Lear tonight at The National.
Before we saw the play we went to get dinner because one of the girls in our
group had her birthday today. We went to Wagamamas,
which is a Japanese restaurant. The portions were HUGE so a couple of us just
got side dishes and rice. It was so good! I loved the sauce. It wasn’t spicy
and it wasn’t ridiculously hot, but it had a nice heat to it. So, Mom, when you
come out here we should share the entrée that I was going to get originally because
there’s no way I could eat it by myself. J
I actually like the play King
Lear, but I was so tired that I kept nodding off during the first half of
the play. I never fully fell asleep, but would jerk awake constantly. But, the
stage was definitely my favorite part. It rotated, like a Lazy Susan table (and
I’m sure there is a theater name for this kind of stage, but I’m not a theater
person, so please forgive me). I loved the lighting. It was darker, blues and
grays. They spinning part of the stage had two intersecting pathways (like a
cross or an ‘X’) and one of them lifted up off the stage at one point, which
was really cool.
After King Lear,
we decided to stop at a little store on the way home and buy ice cream and
chocolate. I bought a Magmas ice
cream bar (chocolate and caramel). It was so rich! Then I bought a bar of Cadbury chocolate and a package of Twirls, just because.
And, yeah, that was my day. Pretty full. So, enjoy the
pictures below and I’ll add the rest of them as soon as I can.
One of the many stained glass windows at Middle Temple Hall |
There were SO many of these plaques |
This table is over 1000 years old! |
More plaques |
Temple Church |
Organ pipes in Temple Church |
More amazing stained glass in Temple Church |
Not quite the full length of Temple Church |
Temple Church again |
Ok, and here's a picture from yesterday that I didn't upload from my phone until just now.
Wicked! This was the backdrop before the play started |
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